Post by VengerHad a Firefly reference, and not a word around these parts... both
Firefly and Usenet are sailing into the memory hole...
I like the rebooted /Doctor Who/ series (since 2005), and /Torchwood/,
and I like the remake of /Battlestar Galactica/, and /Farscape/, and all
three flavors, so far, of /Stargate/, and all six flavors of /Star Trek/
(counting the latest prequel movie), and /Carnivale/ (which is a kind of
religious science-fiction), and the British show /Hyperdrive/ is funny
and cute, as is /Futurama/, and I've seen a few episodes of /Blake's
Seven/, and so on, but whenever I put on any episode of /Firefly/ I have
the same /this is the best science-fiction teevee show ever made/
feeling all over again.
As for Usenet, I well remember the dismay I felt when I discovered that
most of the thousands and thousands of dream-journal posts I've made to
alt.dreams since middle-1999 only show up in a GoogleGroups search as
their subject lines; their bodies are gone. So, memory hole, yeah.
(If anyone knows of a comprehensive backup somewhere of text-only
newsgroups like alt.dreams, please tell me about it.)